
You’re invited to Music Xray – What is it?

Posted by Mike McCready | February 23rd, 2011 | 2 Responses

Music Xray is where thousands of music industry professionals conduct A&R in complete transparency.

We had some extra marketing money this week so we just thought we’d give it directly to you. So, for a limited time, when you open an artist account on Music Xray, this is what you get:


1. Free uploading and/or importing of your music.
2. Free song to opportunity matching.
3. A free credit to get you started (enough for one submissions to one major label).
4. A free focus group conducted on your music (we’ll pay 25 people to provide feedback on your music).
5. Guaranteed feedback on every submission.
6. Guaranteed response time (or your money back).

Songs Selected Every Day on Music Xray!

Posted by Mike McCready | February 16th, 2011 | No responses

Not a day goes by that songs and acts aren’t selected for opportunities on Music Xray. Some days the number of selected songs and acts is in the several dozens.

Be sure to check out the success stories on the site for just a few of the great opportunities being fulfilled through Music Xray.

In recent days, companies like Fuel TV, Universal Pictures, Island Def Jam and others have begun sourcing music via Music Xray. Some of these opportunities can only be found on the site if your songs are matched to the opportunities. The only way to get your songs automatically matched to opportunities is by uploading them (or having us import them for you) for free. Make sure your entire catalog is in Music Xray’s database.


Music Xray: Get Deals or Get Better

Posted by Mike McCready | February 1st, 2011 | 3 Responses

Music Xray

Music Xray: Good, Better, Best

In short, that’s what Music Xray is about. If you’re not getting deals on Music Xray you may want to consider submitting to a professional for a song critique or some career coaching; or doing a focus group for your song, Music Xray’s latest feature.


Of course no on likes rejection and even The Beatles got turned down more than once. It’s just part of the process. But, if you’re consistently not being chosen for deals on Music Xray, you need to find out why.


There are now more than 1100 music industry professionals on Music Xray, all eager to hear your music. Open a free account. We’ll match your songs to opportunities for free so you know who is seeking music like yours. Then, you make it happen.



Brand New Feature: Focus Groups for Your Songs

Posted by Mike McCready | January 26th, 2011 | No responses

Results Page for Focus Groups

Results Page for Focus Groups

Do you want to know what what real music fans think of your song?

Do you want to know how the market is likely to react to your music?

Want to know if you have a hit on your hands?

You know that before you get a deal, an industry professional is going to do some market research on your music. You need to know what the results will be before they do.

Music Xray is making that possible. Simply log in to your account and click the “Conduct a Focus Group” button you’ll find on your dashboard.



TIP OF THE WEEK – Invite Others and Get Paid!

Posted by Mike McCready | January 14th, 2011 | No responses

Earn money when you invite other artists to join Music Xray.

Simply log in and click the button you see on your dashboard and follow the steps.

Also, click on the “settings” tab to see how you can use your affiliate code to tweet or post Music Xray opportunities and get paid when anyone transacts after clicking the link.

For help, contact us at

What is Music Xray Doing for Musicians?

Posted by Mike McCready | December 5th, 2010 | 1 Response

Music Xray for ArtistsSince officially launching in January of this year, Music Xray has helped artists get their music licensed on CBS, get signed to record deals, production deals and more. Be sure to check the success stories section of the site for a few of the deals we hear about.

Music Xray does not pre-screen your music. You submit directly to the professionals listed on the site. You are guaranteed that they listen and you receive confirmation when they do. Music Xray does not take a cut of your deals. Your deals are yours.

Occasionally, we create opportunities for you in partnership with labels and other entities.

Just this week we’re announcing seventeen artists and their songs have been selected for the major label-backed Music Xray Compilation – Great Tracks by Independent Acts. All artists will receive royalties from sales. It will be released across the UK in late January 2011 and three songs will be aggressively promoted to radio.

A few of the artists selected include Brave Chandeliers, Ben Novak, Simon Fagan, The Loomers, 9Giants, Val Broeksmit/Andrew Jackeri and more! The next volume is already in the process of being created so submit your music here.

Be sure to get the Music Xray musician user guide here.

Music Xray is sponsoring the 6th Annual Florida Entertainment Summit. Click to find out more

Posted by Mike McCready | November 9th, 2010 | No responses

Invite other artists and songwriters to try Music Xray and earn some cash!

Have you ever wondered why you have an accounting display on your artist dashboard (see left)?

It’s so we can pay you. But first you have to click that other button that says, “Invite Artists”.

We pay you for every transaction someone you invite participates in.

If you love Music Xray and want to make some cash, please tell everyone.

Introducing Stealth Opportunities

Posted by Mike McCready | November 2nd, 2010 | No responses

As you can imagine, when industry professionals make it publicly known they are seeking songs for an attractive opportunity they expose themselves to being emailed, called and contacted directly by hundreds of rights holders (you know who you are… and so do we – and that’s a “no no”). It is one of the reasons many industry professionals do not accept unsolicited material.

For some of our industry users, this has become unsustainable. To insure Music Xray continues to have the best opportunities for you, we’re introducing stealth opportunities.

What is a stealth opportunity?

Stealth opportunities are not listed on the site nor in our emails and we block search engines from indexing them. The only way to find them is by having your songs matched to them through our S2O service.


You upload your songs for free from the home page of Music Xray.

You will receive an email for each of your songs letting you know which professionals are seeking songs like yours.

Some of those opportunities may be stealth opportunities – which otherwise are not listed on the site and are only available to those whose songs have “matched”.

This method helps the professionals remain under the radar yet still able to accept songs that are close to what they are seeking.

There’s never been a better reason to make full use of Music Xray’s FREE ground-breaking automatic song to opportunity matching system.

For those who have already uploaded or imported their music, you will receive S2O digests and alerts which will also include stealth opportunities. There is no need to upload your music again.

Tip of the Week: Understand the Music Xray equation and never wonder if the industry is seeking music like yours

Posted by Mike McCready | October 24th, 2010 | No responses

Upload or import your music for free. We tell you each week who is seeking music like yours and show you where you can submit it. That’s free too! As a result, you will always know who is seeking music like yours. Look at how simple it is:

Music artist paid opportunities for success

Tip of the Week: Download for free the new artist & songwriter guide to Music Xray.

Posted by Mike McCready | October 19th, 2010 | No responses

Just click here to download the pdf of the fourth quarter 2010 edition of the artist & songwriter guide to Music Xray.

Always make sure you have the latest edition.