The Music Xray Blog
technology enhanced identification of high potential songs & talent

Winding Down Music Xray

Posted by Mike McCready | May 7th, 2024 | No responses

Dear Friends,

It’s with a mix of emotion that I announce the decision to wind down Music Xray. Despite our ambitions and the groundbreaking work we achieved, it has become clear that our full vision for the company will remain unrealized. Our aim was to transform the pay-to-submit model by fully integrating technology to streamline the process for both artists and industry professionals. This would have allowed us to eliminate submission fees altogether, making it simpler for decision-makers to find the right music without friction.

We have come close to achieving this vision several times throughout our journey. However, despite these near successes, we now face the reality that our mission may no longer be viable. Thus, it is time to pass the torch to the vibrant community of innovative entrepreneurs continuously emerging in the music industry.

I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to our vast community—over 450,000 artist users, 1,200 industry professionals, and more than 1.4 million music fans—who trusted Music Xray as their platform of choice. Your engagement and trust fueled our efforts and achievements.

Key Milestones:

  • Music Xray was pioneering in creating a marketplace where new music could directly find its way into the hands of industry shapers.
  • We facilitated countless connections, such as the placement of songs in major films and TV shows, and successful partnerships like our collaboration with SoundCloud, which resulted in thousands of artist successes.
  • Our platform was instrumental in launching careers, securing contracts, and creating unique opportunities in every genre imaginable.

Music Xray will cease accepting submissions effective immediately, with the last day being today, Tuesday, May 7th. Our industry professionals will have an additional week to review their inboxes and manage pending submissions before final payouts are processed. The operational closure of the site will occur on May 15th, followed by a few months dedicated to finalizing payouts and officially winding down the company.

While this chapter closes, the reflections on our journey and thoughts about the future will be shared on my personal blog at a later date.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure. Your faith in our platform and the music you’ve shared and discovered here will forever be a testament to what we’ve built together.

With gratitude and hope for the future of music innovation,

Mike McCready

Co-founder & CEO

How COVID-19 Spreads and impacts the body – From Yale School of Medicine

Posted by DJ A | April 3rd, 2020 | No responses

Music Xray is in a unique position to understand the impact COVID-19 is having on the music industry due to the relationships we have with industry professionals across the board and the unique insights we have into the activities and business functioning of our industry professional and artist users.

We will have some info to share with everyone next week, but in the meantime, the important thing is for everyone to stay safe and healthy and to limit the spread of this virus. Norman Dolph has shared this video with us that comes from Yale School of Medicine. It’s an excellent explanation of how the virus works. It’s the best explanation we’ve seen. Please have a look and share it with as many people as you can.

Music Xray is Suspending Its Fan Product

Posted by DJ A | August 6th, 2018 | No responses

After several years of testing our fan product, we have decided to suspend it indefinitely while we consider updating and revamping the service. In short, the product has fallen short of our expectations and we haven’t been able to dedicate the necessary resources to insuring it is a best-in-class product. Until we can do that, we have decided to suspend it.

If you are an artist and you have a fan campaign currently in process, we will be issuing you a store-credit refund.

If you are a music fan, we will unfortunately not be accepting new fan sign-ups until further notice. If your account balance is greater than $20 you can write in to to request a payout of your account. All balances under $20 are not eligible currently for a payout and those will be addressed and the products re-launch.

Thank you for your interest in this product.

-The Music Xray Team

Regretfully, We’ve had to remove an industry professional from Music Xray

Posted by Mike McCready | April 10th, 2018 | No responses

We regret that some Music Xray artist and professional account holders have may have received an email in the past few days from someone named Doug Diamond. In his email, he makes a few false allegations and declares he is ending his relationship with Music Xray.

Our issues with Mr. Diamond:

For the past year, Mr. Diamond has been posting opportunities on Music Xray while not disclosing his employment role as the Vice President of Music Licensing at a company which holds itself out as a competitor to Music Xray. The principal partners at the said company had already been removed from Music Xray several years ago. By not disclosing this, he violated specific terms of service. We are investigating whether his activity was fraudulent to Music Xray but more importantly, to the users who paid to submit to his posted opportunities. We believe that false statements he made in his email to recipients meet the legal standards for libel.

Music Xray will begin refunding all affected users this week and we will do better to prevent these types of users from slipping through our review and approval process.

You can read about our approval process here or watch the short video below explaining our policy. This message continues below the video.

Music Xray removes industry professionals from the site when we detect mischievous activity. One sign an industry professional may be using Music Xray for the wrong reasons is that their business and livelihoods depend upon the collection of submission fees. In other words, we only work with industry professionals and companies whose primary source of income is earned through the great music deals they get for our musician users and others. This is the reason Mr. Diamond’s business associates were removed from the site and it is a contributing factor for removing Mr. Diamond. He has been locked out of his account, which of course, impedes him from reviewing further songs.

We are very sorry this occurred and offer our sincere apologies.

Music Xray is an efficient platform which uses a combination of music analysis software, crowd-sourcing of industry professionals, fan reactions, and machine learning to identify high potential songs and talent for the industry. We are obsessed with being best-in-class and with making it faster, more transparent, and less expensive for artists to have their music discovered by legitimate industry professionals. We act with integrity as do the professionals on the site. If we discover otherwise, they are removed.

How to Earn Money by Inviting Artists to Music Xray

Posted by Mike McCready | October 23rd, 2017 | No responses

See the number of affiliates you have in account settings, found by clicking on your profile name in the upper left part of the site, once you've logged in.

See the number of affiliates you have in account settings, found by clicking on your profile name in the upper left part of the site, once you’ve logged in.

No matter what type of account you have on Music Xray, be it a fan account, an artist account, or an approved industry professional account, you can earn money when you invite artists to open an artist account.

To invite other artists, just log in to your account and then click this link. Each artist will receive an invitation, on your behalf, to join Music Xray. Their account will become an affiliate of your account and you will receive 15% of Music Xray’s margin on every submission they make, forever.  The balance accumulates in your own Music Xray account. You can spend the balance within Music Xray or you can cash it out via PayPal any time the balance is greater than $20.
You can see how many affiliates your account has by going to Account Settings.

You can see the balance you’ve earned by going to Account Balance.

See your account balance under your username at the top right of your screen when logged in.

See your account balance under your username at the top right of your screen when logged in.

Music Xray is currently experiencing a sever outage – we will be back shortly.

Posted by DJ A | August 4th, 2017 | No responses

Hello all,

As of now (3PM EDT on Friday August 4), Music Xray has been experiencing a server issues for the past 12 hours. We are working on solving the issue and we expect to be back online shortly. We will post further updates over the course of the day today, here.

Thank you,

The Music Xray team

Compensation for Industry Professionals on Music Xray as of February 1st, 2017

Posted by DJ A | February 15th, 2017 | No responses

As a member of the initial screening team (ratings only) Music Industry Professionals (MIPs) receive $0.50 per song they hear and rate.

MIPs offering professional song critiques and career coaching will receive 70% of the submission fee they set.

MIPs posting opportunities for which they will either Select, Reject, or Hold the submitted songs can earn UP TO 70% of the submission fee they set. But in order to earn the full 70% they must follow the site best practices and demonstrate periodically they are filling opportunities with Music Xray songs and acts.

For each attended song the MIP sees a digital receipt like this one. See key below the image:


A. The submission was attended and the MIP earned the 10% of the submission fee.

B. The opportunity was posted exclusively on Music Xray and the MIP earned an additional 20% of the submission fee.

C. The MIP attended the submission within 72 hours of it arriving in their account and earned an additional 10% of the submission fee.

D. The MIP did not have a profile video and did not earn the potential 10% of the submission fee.

E. The MIP is not linking back to Music Xray from their own website or promoting their opportunity on social media and did not earn the potential 10% of the submission fee.

F. The MIP rated the song after listening and earned the potential 10% of the submission fee.

G. This is the sub total of the potential earnings and the actual earnings up to this point.

H. The MIP has not recently filled an opportunity with a Music Xray song or act so the sub total of actual earnings is multiplied by 20%, reducing by -$4.00 what the MIP will be paid in this example. If the industry professional goes for several months without filling an opportunity with Music Xray songs & acts, they will not be allowed to post further opportunity listings on the site. The MIP may still be a member of the initial screening team (ratings pool) and offer professional song critiques and career coaching.

I. This line shows the potential earnings the MIP could have had for attending this song ($7.00) and the actual earnings ($1.00).

For a more detailed look and an explanation for these policies please read below. For the purpose of round numbers, let’s continue to use as an example a submission fee set by the industry professional of $10.00


  • Attend the submission: The MIP will receive 10% of the submission fee just for attending the submission (listening and either selecting, rejecting or placing the song on hold). Assuming a submission fee of $10.00 the MIP would receive $1.00 for this action.
  • Attend submissions within 3 days: The MIP will receive an additional 10% of the submission fee if they attend the song within 72 hours of it arriving in their inbox. To be reminded MIPs can go to “settings” to adjust the alerts they receive when submissions arrive and how often they want to be reminded. Assuming a submission fee of $10.00 the MIP would receive an additional $1.00 for this action.
  • Rate each song: The MIP will receive an additional 10% of the submission fee when they sincerely rate each song. They do not need to worry about the submitter seeing the rating. Submitters only see the average of all the ratings they’ve received from multiple professionals. This enables MIPs to rate sincerely without fear of being flamed on social media or elsewhere. Sincere feedback is important to the integrity of the community and to Music Xray’s filtering process. Assuming a submission fee of $10.00 the MIP would receive an additional $1.00 for this action.
  • Create a video for your profile: If an MIP has created video for their profile (like this one) they will receive an additional 10% of the submission fee for each song they attend. A profile video builds trust among the community. Assuming a submission fee of $10.00 the MIP would receive an additional $1.00 for this action.
  • Post the opportunity exclusively on Music Xray: You will receive an additional 20% of the submission fee if the opportunity you post is exclusively on Music Xray. Assuming a submission fee of $10.00 the MIP would receive an additional $2.00 for this action.
  • Link back to Music Xray: You will earn an additional 10% of the submission fee for each song if you are linking back to Music Xray from your own site and / or occasionally promote your opportunities on Music Xray via your social media channels etc. If you already have an industry professional account, log in and click here for details on how to automatically create a link-back. Assuming a submission fee of $10.00 the MIP would receive an additional $1.00 for this action.
  • That would bring the compensation for each song attended to 70% of the submission fee paid by the artist. In this example that assumes a submission fee of $10.00 set by the MIP, the potential earning is $7.00

    However, if the industry professional has not demonstrated a recently filled opportunity with a Music Xray song or act, the potential earning would be multiplied by 20%.

    For clarity, this means that an MIP could be following all of the best practices listed above and in theory be entitled to 70% of the submission fee paid by the submitter but only receive 20% (of that 70%) if they have not demonstrated a recently filled opportunity. In this example that assumes a submission fee of $10.00 set by the MIP, the potential earning is $7.00 if all best practices are followed but the MIP would receive only $1.40 if they have not demonstrated a recently filled opportunity.

    This is to insure that all professionals on the site are here to fill opportunities. It’s how Music Xray insures that it is not worth it to a professional to simply take submissions but not actively create value for submitters.

    How great music bubbles to the top on Music Xray

    Posted by Mike McCready | January 24th, 2017 | 9 Responses

    This video explains how great music bubbles to the top and gets the attention of the industry on Music Xray. It begins with a brief history of how Music Xray evolved from a pay-to-submit site into a sophisticated filter for the industry and an indispensable tool for artists.

    How To Get The Most Of Music Xray

    Posted by Mike McCready | August 29th, 2016 | No responses

    In this video we tell you three things:

    1. What most people think Music Xray is Vs. What Music Xray really is.
    2. How to get the most of Music Xray without spending any money
    3. How to get the most of Music Xray by spending the very least.

    This video is about 25 minutes long but it is well worth your time. Those who watch it will have a competitive advantage over those who don’t.

    Text version:

    In this video I’m going to tell you three things.

    1st – I’m going to tell you what most people think Music Xray is vs what Music Xray actually is.

    2nd – I’m going to tell you how to get the most from the site without spending any money.

    and 3rd – I’m going to tell you how to get the maximum value from the site by spending the very least.

    It’s about 20 minutes long. But when you’re finished watching it you’ll be able to master the use of Music Xray.

    So here we go…

    What Most think Music Xray is vs What it actually is.

    Most people assume Music Xray is an artist services company that helps musicians get their music to the attention of the talent scouts and decision makers in the industry – and the truth is that although we provide that service better and less expensively than any other company ever has, we do not think of ourselves PRIMARILY as an artist services company. Music Xray is PRIMARILY an industry filter.

    We do not measure our success by how many artists we help get deals and exposure. We measure our success by how widely adopted Music Xray is by industry professionals and by how many of those professionals regard Music Xray as an indispensable tool for finding new songs and talent.

    Many assume that our big business idea, and central to our strategy, is to hype the artists up, sell them the dream of making it big, and to collect as many submission fees as we possibly can.

    But that’s not what we do at all. That’s an important distinction.

    The job of an artist services company would be to sell as much to musicians as possible. But the job of a filter is to filter in the good stuff and filter out the stuff that isn’t quite ready or not appropriate for the available opportunities.

    So in that effort we’ve invested a lot of resources in providing musicians with fast feedback and even meticulously calculated Selection Prediction scores that while not perfect, are pretty accurate. Often, that feedback serves as an early reality check. And the submission fees on the site aren’t there so we can get rich. They serve as the first stage of a multi-stage filter which puts the musicians in the position of filtering themselves first. Those who get great feedback and are gaining traction are encouraged to continue on. Those who get a reality check often reconsider whether they should keep spending resources on that song.

    So if our big business idea isn’t to just collect submissions fees, what is our business? I’ll get to that.

    But the immediate effect of submissions fees for the industry is that the music that is less likely to succeed makes way for the music that more professionals are going to want to hear. That keeps the industry engaged and respecting Music Xray as a source of more consistently high potential music. It turn, that’s better for the deserving artists whose music needs to break through the noise. That said, we know the filter isn’t perfect so our system doesn’t ban any musicians. If someone is supremely confident in their song or talent despite less that positive initial feedback, they can keep submitting – but since it costs a little bit of money for each submission, if the feedback doesn’t improve they will more than likely eventually accept it’s not going to happen for that song and stop pushing it. So just to be clear, we create the right incentives but we don’t shut anyone out.

    I’m going to come back to this topic later in the video when I talk about how to get the very most for the least amount spent, but first I want to tell you how you can get value from Music Xray without spending any money at all.

    How to get the most of Music Xray without spending money

    There are a number of free features on Music Xray that many musicians use to advance their careers, and we’re all in favor of that. As I said, we’re not trying to extract every penny we can from musicians – our primary service is to the industry – so if we can be helpful to musicians without a cost to you and without detriment to us, then that’s a win for everyone.

    Free feature number 1: Song to opportunity matching.

    You can open an account for free on Music Xray and you can upload as much of your music as you want for zero cost. Each song you upload gets analyzed by our music analysis software and it gets compared to reference tracks that many industry professionals upload. So for each song you upload, you get a notification immediately telling you which industry professionals on the site have uploaded songs as references that sound and feel like yours. It’s not always a perfect match but it’s pretty good, and sometimes professionals upload reference tracks that don’t sound anything like what they’ve described in their brief when you go look at their listing so it can be confusing sometimes, but this gives you a good idea whether there are professionals on the site looking for what you’ve got.

    Ideally, you would make your submission to these professionals through Music Xray but hey, this is the digital world and you’re going to Google the professionals, look them up on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram. So go for it unless they specifically say they don’t want to be contacted via other channels in which case you might tick them off. But even if they say that, you might get lucky. Some have. But those channels are pretty clogged and don’t have a filter so it’s harder to get their attention. If you don’t, you can always come back here.

    You find the initial opportunity matches in that first notification but we re-run the matches every couple weeks, so you can always come back and check your notifications in the future for your opportunity Digest or you can always click the Sonic Opportunity Match button next to each song on your track dashboard to see what the most recent matches are.

    Keep in mind that not all professionals on the site have uploaded reference tracks, so another way of getting free value from Music Xray is to just browse the opportunity listings. You can filter them by genre, amount the opportunities pay to chosen artists, type of opportunity, and more. There are usually more than 2000 available opportunities at any one time.

    The next free feature is Fan Matching. There are nearly a million music fans with accounts on Music Xray and we track their listening habits via their Facebook accounts, which in turn are often linked to the Spotify accounts, plus they list their favorite major acts for us.

    When you enter the metadata for your song, we ask you to list three major acts that influenced that particular song. When you enter the names of the acts, try thinking of the acts whose fans you think would love your song. Don’t be afraid to choose an obscure act. If it’s in our database our software will be able to know which other acts those fans like too, so actually, the more specific you are, the better.

    Then, go back to the Tracks dashboard and you will see the number of potential fans in our database who might be your fans if only they heard your music. Since the fans on Music Xray are pretty reflective of the market in general, the information you can get for free is simply knowing which of your songs is likely to have the largest potential audience – and that can be valuable data as you decide how to promote your song through other channels. I’ll come back to how you can target the specific potential fans in our database a little later in this video.

    The next free service on Music Xray I want to tell you about is the free song page and the free portfolios.

    When you upload your song, it’s always good to enter the song’s metadata – as much as you can including the lyrics, an artist bio, license information, a YouTube video link if you have one, an image, and more. You will see that each song has a permalink. Click that and it takes you to your song’s own page. You can use that URL to send your song to anyone – including the previously mentioned industry professionals if you can reach them through other channels.

    Additionally, you can create portfolios of songs – as many portfolios as you want – each containing a different number or combination of songs. Then you can send the link to the portfolio to anyone and they can play the songs right from that link and visit each individual song page if they want. That’s all free. Use the heck out of it!!

    The last free feature may be the best one because it can actually get your song in front of industry professionals right on the site. It goes back to the metadata. Enter as much of it as you can. Here’s why.

    One of our killer features for industry professionals is called Needlestack Music Search. It’s primary purpose is to show industry professionals the songs and acts that are being heard and rated highly by many other professionals. But often, music supervisors and others are looking for songs that are pretty obscure and may not have been heard by many professionals or maybe not by ANY professionals. So how could they find your song even if it’s never been submitted to a single professional on the site?

    – They can upload a reference track right in that moment. If it sounds like yours and there are few other songs in the database that match and that have been heard by other professionals, or if the songs in the database that sound similar have been heard and rated poorly, your song will come up among the top matches.

    – A professional might be looking for a song that was influenced by one of the acts that you entered in your metadata. Again, if there are few others or those others were poorly rated, your song could come up on top of the search.

    – They could be looking for any combination of things but also enter more specific criteria like a beats-per-minute range, or a male or female vocal – or no vocal at all…..

    Priority in the search engine is usually given to songs that match the professional’s search criteria and that have also been heard by other professionals and rated highly, but if the search is narrow enough and it matches your song, the professionals can hear it and have the option to contact you.

    And that’s another thing. I know our site tends to send out too many emails. We’re taking steps to reduce that and we’re also going to implement a way for us to send you a text message to your phone specifically for when professionals are trying to contact you, but even if you grow numb to our emails, be sure you pay attention if you ever get one from us that has the word “selected” or “new message” in the subject line. These may be among the most important to your career.

    Next, I want to stress to you that if your song is of the kind that has a hook – or a most compelling part, use the hook brackets to mark it. There are a lot of reasons for this.

    1st – professionals are well, professionals and they want to get right to what they are looking for. Not all of them want to go straight to the hook, and those who don’t will just start your song from the beginning and play it through. But many may just pass over your song if there are other songs where they don’t have to wait for the gold. Give them the option to start at the hook. By not giving them the option don’t think you’re going to necessarily get a full listen of the song. Often, if you don’t grab their attention in the first few seconds you have it, you won’t get the next few seconds. Bracketing your hook is a way to make sure you hook their attention.

    2nd – some professionals are looking for great hook writers or even great hooks they can license from you. Give them that option. Don’t worry, if you don’t want to sell the hook you can always say no. But don’t let an offer go by that your would otherwise have gotten – even if the only value is to create a new contact or start a new relationship with a professional in the industry.

    There are many musicians who have used Music Xray to build relationships and actually never got an offer on the site, but have gone on to write for major artists due to relationships they established here.

    OK. Now I’m going talk about how you can spend the least on the site and get the most value.

    1st – Get Diagnostics for a few of your best songs – without submitting them to any opportunities yet.

    Diagnostics is a required purchase for any song you may eventually submit to an opportunity. It costs $10 and you CAN buy it simultaneously with a submission but the only time I’d recommend that is if the opportunity you want to submit to has a tight window and is going to close soon. Otherwise, it’s best to wait for your Diagnostics results.

    We didn’t create Diagnostics to get an extra $10 out of you. We created it so that you can get some fast, inexpensive, real feedback – and there’s another purpose for it that I’ll come back to a little later. But for you, the purpose is to find out how competitive your song is going to be for the opportunities currently on the site.

    When a song goes through Diagnostics, it gets sent to 5 industry professionals who work in your song’s genre. They listen and they rate your song on 5 criteria – composition, production, arrangement, performance, and hit potential. Hit potential doesn’t necessarily mean “hit song” – it means commercial success potential for the type of song it is. A jazz song played on the accordion could, in theory, have high hit potential when compared to other jazz songs played on the accordion vying for opportunities looking for that kind of music. I just want to be clear about what that criteria means.

    In Diagnostics, the song is also distributed out to 20 potential fans – selected randomly from among those who are fans of the acts you entered in your metadata. They each give the song a thumbs up or a thumbs down. And by the way, if they give it a thumbs up you get their email address and often a link to their Facebook profile so you can see who your fans are. You’re acquiring the fans, so to speak.

    Once we have compiled the data, we show you some really cool things.

    – The average ratings you got from the 5 professionals.

    – The number and percent of fans who heard the song and gave it a thumbs up. This is your fan conversion rate and you can compare several of your songs to see which ones convert the highest percentage of fans. If you’re debating which song is your single, this could give you strong clues. We also show you what the cost of acquiring a fan is on Music Xray. If you decide you’d like to acquire more fans, we will send each potential fan your song for 33 cents each. Based on the percentage of those who hear it vs those who give it a thumbs up, we can calculate the approximate cost of acquiring each fan. In the future we plan to add the ability to geo-target your fans and to target by age and gender too. And you can always see the number of potential fans that exist in our database as calculated by the acts you entered in your metadata. So once you have this information from Diagnostics you can decide if you want to target more fans or not – and if it’s worth it to you.

    – and perhaps most importantly, we calculate a Selection Prediction score. What the score says is basically the following: If you submit this song to 20 appropriate opportunities on the site, you have a X percent chance of having it selected for one of those opportunities or of your song being offered something if found through Needlestack Music Search or other ways we call industry attention to songs.

    Why 20 opportunities? Well, it’s not because we want to get 20 submission fees from you. It’s because we use Amazon’s Machine Learning platform to calculate the score. Amazon’s Machine Learning Platform is cloud computing and a little bit of artificial intelligence – kind of like IBM’s Watson, which you may have heard of. – And in order to be really confident in the accuracy of the score, it had to calculate the probability over 20 submissions. Any fewer and the software’s confidence in its accuracy dropped.

    Now, a low score doesn’t mean success can’t happen for the song. It just means that it may take more submissions, or that there are fewer than 20 potential opportunities on the site for songs like yours. You have to decide what to do at this stage – but this information can guide you.

    OK, and now to the elephant in the room – what if you don’t care about this information and you resent that you have to pay $10 for Diagnostics. Try to keep in mind that Diagnostics is an integral part of our filter and without it we can’t do our job of filtering. Back before we had Diagnostics, many musicians would come to the site and submit their song to one opportunity, have the song rejected and go away angry not understanding that even the best material is likely to be rejected at least a few times, and even songs with a 99% Selection Prediction Score today might have to submit 20 times before landing something, and even a few of them still need to be shown to more professionals. So back before we had Diagnostics, with that one submission we here at Music Xray hadn’t gathered enough information about the song to know if it was any good or not and the artist also wasn’t getting any truly relevant feedback – just that one professional didn’t think it was the right fit for them.

    So we created Diagnostics to help us predict, as accurately as possibly, which songs and acts were most likely to be offered deals of one kind or another through the site. Sometimes we invest in those songs and acts in exchange for a 20% participation in the deals. We’ve recently changed our terms of service so that we can participate in deals if they occur not through a direct submission but rather through the song being found by the industry professionals due to some of our software magic.

    So our job is NOT to collect as many submission fees as we can. It is to predict which songs and acts will get offers and then to find ways to add value – or to be a catalyst in getting that song a deal so Music Xray can participate in the upside.

    And remember I said I’d come back to how our business works and how we aspire to make most of our money? That’s how.

    So Diagnostics is a win for everyone.

    – It discourages hundreds of songs from clogging the pipeline further and thereby clearing the way for yours – keeping the industry engaged.

    – It helps us identify high-potential songs so we can help find opportunities for them, even when the artist doesn’t directly submit them to certain professionals.

    – It helps gather enough information, industry feedback, and fan feedback about a song so that it will show up in relevant Needlestack Music Searches that professionals conduct

    – It helps songs show up as trending among the professional community – and it’s basically drives Music Xray’s filter.

    Finally, let’s talk about the submissions themselves.

    The only way to guarantee any individual professional will hear any specific song is to submit it to them directly.

    As I’ve mentioned throughout this video, we have a lot of software magic that does show songs to professionals which have not been directly submitted to them. But the only way to guarantee any particular song is heard by a specific professional for a specific opportunity is to make the submission. We have money-back guarantee that you will receive a listen and a response from the professional within 45 days, tops. Many are much faster, especially if they’re working on a tight window or deadline.

    Also, after Diagnostics has completed and if the ratings are high, your song will trend among the industry community for a few weeks but eventually will start to give way to song with more recent activity in Needlestack Music Search. So one way to keep it current is to submit it directly to opportunities. The new professional will hear your song and probably provide their own rating for it whether they select it or not. The new rating counts as activity around your song.

    The best way to know if your song is trending or not is to check out this chart on your Song Management Page. Each time a fan or a professional hears your song and reacts to it, it boosts the songs activity level and it’s trending potential. If the song is trending it’s being shown to more professionals who didn’t receive it as a direct submission.

    Now here’s the thing… if you attempt to directly submit your song for a specific opportunity, and we have already shown your song to the professional behind that opportunity although you had not submitted it – we tell you. We don’t just take your money and let you make the submission anyway. Again… we’re not trying to nickel and dime you.

    Now, when you make these direct submissions you may get a custom response. But more than likely you will simply get a notice telling you whether the song was selected, not selected, or placed on hold – and you may get a quick response the professional can choose from a list that matches their reason for not selecting the song if that’s the case. Remember, the professionals are not in the business of giving you detailed feedback about how you can improve your music. They’re here to find the music they can work with and to move on.

    If you want detailed feedback, we do provide a way for you to get it from some professionals who want to offer it. And that’s where you will likely pay a little bit more – because in that case you actually are paying for the professional’s time and expertise. You will find professionals who offer this service under the categories “Professional Song Critique” and “Career Coaching” in our opportunity search engine.

    OK, lastly… we recently added a way for you to target radio stations for consideration. It’s a small part of the service currently but we’re building it out. You can geo-target stations and you can also target them by genre and you can submit to multiple stations at once. When program directors hear your music they can decide to spin it on their station and they can tell you what date they will start to spin it so you can coordinate your own promotion efforts.

    I think that about covers it. And look, as co-founder and CEO of the company, the message I really wanted to convey here is that we’re a company working hard to build something great for the entire ecosystem. We’re not perfect and Music Xray isn’t a silver bullet. But I think it really is one of the best tools ever built for musicians and industry professional alike. If you have questions to concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at

    It’s an honor to serve you. If you’re still with me, thanks for taking the time to really understand Music Xray.

    – Mike McCready

    Music Xray’s Money Back Guarantee on 20 Submissions

    Posted by Mike McCready | May 25th, 2016 | No responses

    In the second half of last year we introduced Selection Prediction Scores as part of our service to musicians. That is, we tell musicians the probability their songs will be selected for an opportunity on Music Xray provided they submit them to at least 20 appropriate opportunities. We use a complex system of music analysis software, the crowdsourcing of industry professionals, and all the past history of songs that have been selected and rejected on the site, the number & type of all the available opportunities for each genre and we put all of that data into Amazon’s machine learning platform to make these predictions. In the real world our predictions have turned out to be over 90% accurate as has been evidenced in the beta trials of our Artist Investment Program.

    Given how confident we are in our predictions, today we have launched another beta program we’re calling Music Xray’s Self-Accellerated Artist Investment Program. It’s a money-back guarantee on 20 submissions for qualifying songs.

    To find out if your song qualifies, log in to your account. You will see a notification alerting you to which of your songs qualify and telling you how to find out if songs without Selection Prediction Scores can receive them.