Posted by Mike McCready | August 10th, 2011 | No responses
Music Xray has been getting more widely known as we’ve just been on the cover of The Nashville Music Guide.
Given that I’m the co-founder & CEO as well as the public face, I get identified with the company. That’s my job but the differentiating value in Music Xray is an incredible team who are both good at their jobs and passionate about the work we do.
Music Xray is far from a one man show and is not just “my” company. The company is privately held by a cadre of the senior team, co-founder shareholders, professional investors and friends & family. Without their early faith in what we’re trying to achieve, Music Xray would not be possible.
Every day, CTO Jeff Durand and his team work to keep the site purring along while building out new features and keeping it all scalable. Bert Hartmann, our COO manages a very professional team of software testers and customer service & support staff. They are real assets at Music Xray.