Posted by Mike McCready | September 3rd, 2010 | No responses
We all think it would be great if we could just upload our songs, make a nice looking page and then wait to be discovered. Unfortunately, that almost never happens. It’s up to you to insure your music is heard by the right people. Accessing the “right” people has always been tricky. Even knowing who the right person is doesn’t often help since many music companies don’t even accept unsolicited material (until now).
Before Music Xray launched, if you were a performing act trying to break out, you could expect to spend years and a lot of money playing gigs, touring and trying to generate enough buzz to get the attention of someone in the business who can help you get to the next level. You could expect to attend events and gatherings where you network, build relationships and hope to make a solid connection or two. Even though you must also conduct online networking, it can be slow and very time consuming.
Music Xray doesn’t guarantee you will get signed or that you will place your music in a revenue-generating deal. That depends on you and your music. But, we do guarantee you will get access to top industry people and real opportunities at the click of a mouse and for a fraction of the cost it would require via any other means.
Music Xray levels the playing field when it comes to “access” and provides you with a guaranteed way to rely more on how good you are and less on who you know.
Be sure to join our Facebook page to network and share experiences.
Be sure to join our LinkedIn group for a more business focussed discussion of opportunities for songs, artists and other careers in music.