Posted by Mike McCready | October 23rd, 2012 | 2 Responses
These are instructions for music fans on Music Xray who have set up their account and connected their Facebook account but are still not receiving music to hear. This is usually due to our inability to detect any activity in your facebook account that gives us clues as to your taste in music. The solution is for you to manually enter your favorite artists and bands in your Music Xray Fan Match profile.
Step 1. After you log in, edit your Fan Match profile and select some genres.
Step 2: Uncheck the box that says “Use facebook music listening preferences”.
Step 3: Enter the names of some of your favorite bands (begin to type and then select from the list).
Step 4: Click save. Check your email in the next 24 hours for alerts about new songs to hear. If you don’t receive any, contact and we’ll help you out.