As a member of the initial screening team (ratings only) Music Industry Professionals (MIPs) receive $0.50 per song they hear and rate.
MIPs offering professional song critiques and career coaching will receive 70% of the submission fee they set.
MIPs posting opportunities for which they will either Select, Reject, or Hold the submitted songs can earn UP TO 70% of the submission fee they set. But in order to earn the full 70% they must follow the site best practices and demonstrate periodically they are filling opportunities with Music Xray songs and acts.
For each attended song the MIP sees a digital receipt like this one. See key below the image:
A. The submission was attended and the MIP earned the 10% of the submission fee.
B. The opportunity was posted exclusively on Music Xray and the MIP earned an additional 20% of the submission fee.
C. The MIP attended the submission within 72 hours of it arriving in their account and earned an additional 10% of the submission fee.
D. The MIP did not have a profile video and did not earn the potential 10% of the submission fee.
E. The MIP is not linking back to Music Xray from their own website or promoting their opportunity on social media and did not earn the potential 10% of the submission fee.
F. The MIP rated the song after listening and earned the potential 10% of the submission fee.
G. This is the sub total of the potential earnings and the actual earnings up to this point.
H. The MIP has not recently filled an opportunity with a Music Xray song or act so the sub total of actual earnings is multiplied by 20%, reducing by -$4.00 what the MIP will be paid in this example. If the industry professional goes for several months without filling an opportunity with Music Xray songs & acts, they will not be allowed to post further opportunity listings on the site. The MIP may still be a member of the initial screening team (ratings pool) and offer professional song critiques and career coaching.
I. This line shows the potential earnings the MIP could have had for attending this song ($7.00) and the actual earnings ($1.00).
For a more detailed look and an explanation for these policies please read below. For the purpose of round numbers, let’s continue to use as an example a submission fee set by the industry professional of $10.00
That would bring the compensation for each song attended to 70% of the submission fee paid by the artist. In this example that assumes a submission fee of $10.00 set by the MIP, the potential earning is $7.00
However, if the industry professional has not demonstrated a recently filled opportunity with a Music Xray song or act, the potential earning would be multiplied by 20%.
For clarity, this means that an MIP could be following all of the best practices listed above and in theory be entitled to 70% of the submission fee paid by the submitter but only receive 20% (of that 70%) if they have not demonstrated a recently filled opportunity. In this example that assumes a submission fee of $10.00 set by the MIP, the potential earning is $7.00 if all best practices are followed but the MIP would receive only $1.40 if they have not demonstrated a recently filled opportunity.
This is to insure that all professionals on the site are here to fill opportunities. It’s how Music Xray insures that it is not worth it to a professional to simply take submissions but not actively create value for submitters.