
Tip of the Week: Get instant feedback on your song by conducting a song survey

Posted by Mike McCready | December 8th, 2009 | No responses

Get instant feedback on your song by conducting a song survey. Create your own questions. Send your Music Xray song presentation pack to the people you want to respond. Their answers are sent anonymously to you via email. For more information clickhere.

It’s free and included in everyfree song presentation pack.

Mike McCready is an entrepreneur at the crossroads of music and technology. He pioneered the introduction of Hit Song Science into the music industry and followed up with Music Xray, the company he co-founded and serves as CEO. His companies have been the subject of case studies at Harvard Business School, IESE and he frequently guest speaks at many of the top business schools around the world. He helps the music industry identify high potential songs and talent and helps musicians get deals, get fans, & get better: http://musicxray.com