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15 Albums You Won’t Believe Turn 20 In 2015

Posted by Mike McCready | February 26th, 2015 | No responses

Nothing is capable of making you suddenly aware of your mortality more than the moment you realize the music of your youth is now classic rock.

For those who grew up during the ’90s — back when voicemail was a phone message scribbled by your mom on a tattered piece of notebook paper — the transition has been more subtle than in generations past. That’s because, unlike the way it was with radio for decades, we gradually gained the ability to listen to whatever we chose whenever we wanted and could ignore whatever recent trends began taking hold.

Mike McCready is an entrepreneur at the crossroads of music and technology. He pioneered the introduction of Hit Song Science into the music industry and followed up with Music Xray, the company he co-founded and serves as CEO. His companies have been the subject of case studies at Harvard Business School, IESE and he frequently guest speaks at many of the top business schools around the world. He helps the music industry identify high potential songs and talent and helps musicians get deals, get fans, & get better: